Should you have inquiries, contact us: 703-949-8787 571-327-2244 or Email us at :

Live life everyday with ease.

Our occupational therapy focuses on promoting health and well-being through curative occupations. Occupation here refers to the things that people do to occupy themselves which naturally including self-care activities.

The goal of occupational therapy is to abet patients and to let them participate in the rightful occupations they enjoy to address issues affecting their ability to perform. We enable people to engage in therapeutic activities that help them reach their full potential.

Empathy Health Services chose better and helped everyone participate in the things they want to do while making therapeutic use of everyday occupations. Most commonly, interventions include helping anyone from all ages to functionally participate once again to social settings, help people recover from injury to regain skills and provide support for the elderly experiencing the effects of aging.

Contact us at your convenience and start your journey.